Unlocking the Secrets of ARM Processors: Using JTAG to Access Memory with FTDI 4-Channel Chip
Image by Kentrell - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of ARM Processors: Using JTAG to Access Memory with FTDI 4-Channel Chip

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As an embedded systems enthusiast, you’re likely no stranger to the world of microcontrollers and their intricate inner workings. One of the most powerful tools in your arsenal is JTAG (Joint Test Action Group), a standardized interface for debugging and testing complex systems. In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating realm of JTAG, exploring how to harness its power to access memory by writing and reading to DR/IR registers on an ARM processor using a master FTDI 4-channel chip.

What is JTAG, and Why is it Important?

JTAG is a protocol developed in the 1990s to streamline the testing and debugging process for complex electronic systems. It allows for the connection of multiple devices to a single interface, simplifying the diagnosis and repair of issues. JTAG has since become an essential tool for developers, engineers, and researchers working with microcontrollers, FPGAs, and SoCs.

In the context of ARM processors, JTAG provides a means to access and manipulate memory, registers, and other system resources. By mastering JTAG, you can:

  • Debug and troubleshoot ARM-based systems
  • Perform low-level programming and testing
  • Access and modify memory contents
  • Execute instructions and inspect system behavior

The Role of FTDI 4-Channel Chip in JTAG

FTDI (Future Technology Devices International) is a leading manufacturer of USB-based interface solutions. Their 4-channel chip, also known as the FT2232H, is a popular choice for JTAG applications due to its:

  • High-speed data transfer (up to 3 Mbaud)
  • Flexible I/O configuration (UART, FIFO, JTAG, etc.)
  • Low power consumption and small footprint
  • Wide compatibility with various operating systems

In our setup, the FTDI 4-channel chip acts as the master, connecting to the ARM processor via the JTAG interface. This allows us to control and communicate with the processor, accessing memory and registers as needed.

Preparing Your ARM Processor and FTDI 4-Channel Chip

Before diving into the world of JTAG, ensure you have the following components and tools:

  • An ARM-based microcontroller or development board
  • A FTDI 4-channel chip (FT2232H or compatible)
  • JTAG interface cables and adapters
  • A computer with a compatible OS (Windows, Linux, or macOS)
  • JTAG software and drivers for your operating system

Next, connect the FTDI 4-channel chip to your computer via a USB cable. Install the necessary drivers and software for your operating system, making sure to configure the chip for JTAG mode.

Understanding DR/IR Registers in ARM Processors

In ARM processors, the DR (Data Register) and IR (Instruction Register) play a crucial role in the JTAG interface. These registers allow us to:

DR (Data Register):

  • Store and retrieve data from the processor’s memory
  • Modify registers and system resources

IR (Instruction Register):

  • Hold and execute instructions from the processor’s memory
  • Control the flow of the program counter

To access and manipulate memory, we’ll focus on writing and reading data to the DR register.

Using JTAG to Access Memory: Writing to the DR Register

Now that we have our setup prepared, let’s dive into the exciting part – using JTAG to access memory! To write data to the DR register, follow these steps:

  1. Open your JTAG software and connect to the FTDI 4-channel chip.
  2. Select the ARM processor as the target device.
  3. Initiate the JTAG interface by sending the TAP_RESET command.
  4. Shift the IR register to the DR_SCAN state using the IRSCAN command.
  5. Write the desired data to the DR register using the DRWRITE command.
  6. Verify the data was written correctly by reading the DR register using the DRREAD command.

Here’s an example code snippet in Python using the pyftdi library to illustrate the process:

import pyftdi

# Initialize the FTDI 4-channel chip
ftdi = pyftdi.Ftdi()

# Connect to the ARM processor

# Initiate the JTAG interface
ftdi.write(bytearray([0x00]))  # TAP_RESET

# Shift the IR register to DR_SCAN
ftdi.write(bytearray([0x01]))  # IRSCAN

# Write data to the DR register
data = bytearray([0x12, 0x34, 0x56])

# Read the DR register to verify
data_read = ftdi.read(len(data))
print("Data read:", data_read)

Using JTAG to Access Memory: Reading from the DR Register

Reading data from the DR register is a straightforward process, building upon the previous steps:

  1. Follow steps 1-4 from the previous section to prepare the JTAG interface.
  2. Shift the IR register to the DR_SCAN state using the IRSCAN command.
  3. Read data from the DR register using the DRREAD command.
  4. Verify the data was read correctly.

Here’s an updated Python code snippet to demonstrate reading from the DR register:

import pyftdi

# Initialize the FTDI 4-channel chip
ftdi = pyftdi.Ftdi()

# Connect to the ARM processor

# Initiate the JTAG interface
ftdi.write(bytearray([0x00]))  # TAP_RESET

# Shift the IR register to DR_SCAN
ftdi.write(bytearray([0x01]))  # IRSCAN

# Read data from the DR register
data_read = ftdi.read(4)  # Read 4 bytes from the DR register
print("Data read:", data_read)

Troubleshooting and Best Practices

When working with JTAG and FTDI 4-channel chips, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Ensure the FTDI chip is configured for JTAG mode and the correct baud rate.
  • Verify the JTAG interface is properly initialized before accessing memory.
  • Use the correct IR and DR register commands for your specific ARM processor and JTAG software.
  • Monitor the JTAG interface for errors and timeouts.
  • Use a logic analyzer or oscilloscope to debug and visualize the JTAG signals.
Common JTAG Errors Solutions
TAP_RESET not recognized Verify the FTDI chip configuration and JTAG software settings.
IR register not shifting correctly Check the IRSCAN command and ensure the correct IR register state.
DR register not reading/writing correctly Verify the DRREAD/DRWRITE commands and ensure the correct DR register state.


In this article, we’ve explored the fascinating world of JTAG and its applications in accessing memory on ARM processors using an FTDI 4-channel chip. By following the steps and guidelines outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to mastering JTAG and unlocking the secrets of your ARM-based systems.

Remember to practice patience and persistence when working with JTAG, as it requires attention to detail and a solid understanding of the underlying principles. With time and experience, you’ll become proficient in using JTAG to access memory, debug issues, and optimize system performance.


For further reading and resources, we recommend:

  • ARM Holdings: ARM Architecture Reference Manual
  • FTDI: FT2232H DatasheetFrequently Asked Questions

    Got questions about using JTAG to access memory by writing/reading to DR/IR registers with target ARM processor and master FTDI 4ch chip? We’ve got answers!

    What is JTAG and how does it relate to ARM processors?

    JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) is a standard for accessing and debugging embedded systems, including ARM processors. It allows developers to access and modify registers, memory, and peripherals of a target device, making it an essential tool for debugging and testing. When using JTAG with an ARM processor, you can access and control the device’s registers, including the DR (Data Register) and IR (Instruction Register), which are crucial for reading and writing data.

    What is the role of the FTDI 4ch chip in JTAG communication?

    The FTDI 4ch chip acts as a bridge between the host PC and the target ARM processor, enabling JTAG communication. It converts the USB signal from the host PC into a serial signal that can be understood by the ARM processor, allowing for bidirectional data transfer. The FTDI 4ch chip is essentially a USB-to-JTAG adapter that facilitates communication between the host PC and the target device.

    How do I write to the DR register using JTAG?

    To write to the DR register using JTAG, you’ll need to use a JTAG interface, such as OpenOCD or UrJTAG, to send the write command to the ARM processor. The specific command will depend on the JTAG interface and the ARM processor being used. Generally, you’ll need to specify the register address, the data to be written, and the write operation. For example, in OpenOCD, the command might look like this: `mdw `.

    Can I read data from the IR register using JTAG?

    Yes, you can read data from the IR register using JTAG. The process is similar to writing to the DR register, but instead, you’ll use a read command to retrieve the data from the IR register. Again, the specific command will depend on the JTAG interface and the ARM processor being used. For example, in OpenOCD, the command might look like this: `mrd `. This will read the data from the specified register address and display it in the console.

    What are some common challenges when using JTAG with ARM processors?

    Some common challenges when using JTAG with ARM processors include configuring the JTAG interface, setting the correct clock frequency, and ensuring proper signal integrity. Additionally, issues with the target device’s reset pin, JTAG pinouts, and signal voltage levels can also cause problems. Furthermore, working with multiple devices on a single JTAG chain or dealing with devices that have limited JTAG access can add complexity to the debugging process.

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