Solving the Frustrating GSAP ScrollTrigger Pinning Issue: A Comprehensive Guide
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Solving the Frustrating GSAP ScrollTrigger Pinning Issue: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of wrestling with GSAP’s ScrollTrigger, only to have your animations fail to pin during scrolling? You’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to delve into the solutions together.

Understanding the Problem: What’s Going On?

Before we dive into the fixes, it’s essential to understand why GSAP ScrollTrigger isn’t pinning during animation in the first place. There are a few common culprits:

  • Incorrect ScrollTrigger setup: A misconfigured ScrollTrigger can lead to pinning issues. We’ll cover the correct setup later in this article.
  • Container issues: The container element that wraps your animation might be causing the problem. We’ll explore this further soon.
  • other animations or scripts interfering: Other scripts or animations on the page might be conflicting with your GSAP animation, preventing pinning from working correctly.

Solution 1: Verify Your ScrollTrigger Setup

The first step in resolving the pinning issue is to ensure your ScrollTrigger is set up correctly. Double-check that you’ve included the necessary parameters:


const animation = gsap.timeline({
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: "#trigger-element",
    start: "top 80%",
    end: "bottom 20%",
    scrub: true,
    pin: true,
    markers: true

In the above code snippet, we’ve registered the ScrollTrigger plugin and created a timeline with the necessary parameters:

  • trigger: The element that will trigger the animation.
  • start: The starting point of the animation (in this case, 80% from the top of the viewport).
  • end: The ending point of the animation (in this case, 20% from the bottom of the viewport).
  • scrub: Set to true to enable scrubbing ( smooth animation )
  • pin: Set to true to enable pinning.
  • markers: Set to true to visualize the trigger points.

Solution 2: Container Element Tweaks

The container element that wraps your animation might be the culprit behind the pinning issue. Try the following:

Method 1: Add `overflow: hidden` to the Container

Adding overflow: hidden to the container element can help GSAP determine the correct scrolling boundaries:

<div style="overflow: hidden;">
  <!-- animation content -->

Method 2: Use a Wrapper Element with a Fixed Height

Create a wrapper element with a fixed height to contain your animation. This can help GSAP calculate the correct pinning points:

<div style="height: 100vh;">
    <!-- animation content -->

Solution 3: Identify and Resolve Conflicting Scripts or Animations

Other scripts or animations on the page might be interfering with your GSAP animation, causing the pinning issue. To troubleshoot:

  1. Disable other scripts and animations: Temporarily disable any other scripts or animations on the page to isolate the issue.
  2. Check for conflicts: Review your code for any potential conflicts or duplicate IDs/classes that might be causing the issue.
  3. Use the GSAP debugger: Enable the GSAP debugger to visualize the animation and pinpoint the issue.

Solution 4: Update GSAP and ScrollTrigger

Ensure you’re running the latest versions of GSAP and ScrollTrigger. Updating to the latest versions might resolve the issue.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Solution 5: Use the `onEnter` and `onLeave` Callbacks

As a last resort, you can use the `onEnter` and `onLeave` callbacks to manually pin and unpin your animation:

const animation = gsap.timeline({
  scrollTrigger: {
    trigger: "#trigger-element",
    start: "top 80%",
    end: "bottom 20%",
    scrub: true,
    onEnter: () => {
      gsap.set("#animation-element", { overflow: "hidden", height: "100vh" });
    onLeave: () => {
      gsap.set("#animation-element", { overflow: "visible", height: "auto" });

In this example, we’re using the `onEnter` callback to set the animation element’s overflow to hidden and height to 100vh when the animation enters the viewport. The `onLeave` callback reverses these styles when the animation exits the viewport.


GSAP ScrollTrigger pinning issues can be frustrating, but with the solutions outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the problem and get your animations working smoothly. Remember to:

  • Double-check your ScrollTrigger setup.
  • Verify your container element configuration.
  • Identify and resolve any conflicting scripts or animations.
  • Update GSAP and ScrollTrigger to the latest versions.
  • Use the `onEnter` and `onLeave` callbacks as a last resort.

By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning, pinned animations with GSAP and ScrollTrigger.

Solution Description
Verify ScrollTrigger Setup Check your ScrollTrigger parameters and ensure correct setup.
Container Element Tweaks Adjust the container element to help GSAP determine correct scrolling boundaries.
Identify and Resolve Conflicts Disable other scripts and animations, check for conflicts, and use the GSAP debugger.
Update GSAP and ScrollTrigger Ensure you’re running the latest versions of GSAP and ScrollTrigger.
Use onEnter and onLeave Callbacks Manually pin and unpin your animation using the onEnter and onLeave callbacks.

Happy coding, and may your animations pin smoothly!

Here’s an example of 5 Questions and Answers about “GSAP ScrollTrigger is not being pinned during the animation” using HTML and a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get stuck with GSAP ScrollTrigger? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why is my ScrollTrigger not pinning my element during the animation?

This might be due to a simple mistake: you haven’t set the `pin` property to `true` in your ScrollTrigger instance! Make sure to add `pin: true` to your ScrollTrigger options to enable pinning.

I’ve set `pin: true`, but my element is still not pinning. What’s going on?

Ah-ha! Another common gotcha is that you might have forgotten to set the `scroll` property to the correct element. Make sure you’re targeting the correct scrolling element, like the `body` or a specific container, by setting `scroll: “body”` (or your container’s selector).

My element is pinning, but it’s jumping around during the animation. How do I fix this?

This might be due to a layout shift or an incorrect `trigger` element. Try setting `trigger: “.your-trigger-element”` (replace with your trigger element’s selector) to ensure the correct element is triggering the animation. Also, make sure your HTML structure is correct and there are no layout shifts during the animation.

Can I use multiple ScrollTriggers on the same page?

Absolutely! You can use multiple ScrollTriggers on the same page, as long as each instance has a unique `id` property set. This way, GSAP can keep track of each ScrollTrigger instance and handle them correctly.

I’m still stuck! Where can I get more help with GSAP ScrollTrigger?

Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Head over to the GSAP forums, where experts and community members are ready to assist you with any ScrollTrigger-related questions. You can also check out the official GSAP documentation and tutorials for more guidance.