Vite: Generate Typings for Shared Packages in Monorepo – A Step-by-Step Guide
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Vite: Generate Typings for Shared Packages in Monorepo – A Step-by-Step Guide

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Vite, the modern development server, has revolutionized the way we build and maintain large-scale applications. One of the most significant advantages of Vite is its ability to handle monorepos efficiently. A monorepo is a single repository that contains multiple projects or packages. However, as the monorepo grows, managing shared packages and their typings can become a daunting task. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to dive into the world of Vite and explore how to generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo.

What are Typings, and Why Do We Need Them?

In the world of TypeScript, typings refer to the type definitions for a particular package or module. These definitions help TypeScript understand the shape and structure of the module, enabling features like auto-completion, type checking, and code refactoring. Without typings, working with shared packages in a monorepo can become a nightmare.

The Problem with Shared Packages in Monorepo

In a monorepo, shared packages are often used across multiple projects. However, when working with these packages, you might encounter issues like:

  • Missing or outdated type definitions
  • Inconsistent typing across projects
  • Difficulty in maintaining and updating typings

These issues can lead to frustration, errors, and decreased productivity. But fear not, for Vite provides a solution to this problem.

Configuring Vite for Shared Packages in Monorepo

To generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo, we’ll need to configure Vite to work with our monorepo structure. Let’s assume we have a monorepo with the following structure:


In our `vite.config.js` file, we’ll need to specify the root directory of our monorepo and the files that should be included in the build process:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';

export default defineConfig({
  root: './',
  build: {
    outDir: './dist',
    emptyOutDir: true,
    lib: {
      entry: './packages',
      name: 'my-monorepo',

In this example, we’re telling Vite to use the root directory of our monorepo as the root directory and to build the packages in the `packages` directory.

Generating Typings for Shared Packages

Now that we have our Vite configuration in place, let’s focus on generating typings for our shared packages. We’ll use the `@vitejs/plugin-dts` plugin to achieve this.

import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
import dts from '@vitejs/plugin-dts';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      insertTypesEntry: true,
  build: {
    // ... previous build configuration ...

The `@vitejs/plugin-dts` plugin will automatically generate typings for our shared packages and include them in the build output.

Configuring the plugin-dts Plugin

The `plugin-dts` plugin provides several options to customize the generation of typings. Here are some of the most important options:

Option Description
insertTypesEntry If set to true, the plugin will insert the types entry point in the main bundle.
outputDir The directory where the generated typings will be saved.
include A glob pattern or an array of glob patterns to include files for typing generation.
exclude A glob pattern or an array of glob patterns to exclude files from typing generation.

By configuring the `plugin-dts` plugin, you can fine-tune the generation of typings to suit your specific needs.

Using the Generated Typings in Your Projects

Now that we have generated typings for our shared packages, let’s use them in our projects. In our `project-1` and `project-2` directories, we can import the shared packages and use their typings:

// project-1/main.ts
import { MyPackageA } from '@my-monorepo/package-a';

// project-2/main.ts
import { MyPackageB } from '@my-monorepo/package-b';


In our projects, we can now use the shared packages and their typings, enjoying the benefits of auto-completion, type checking, and code refactoring.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

When working with Vite and shared packages in a monorepo, you might encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions to help you troubleshoot:

  1. Error: “Cannot find module ‘@my-monorepo/package-a’ or its corresponding type declarations.”

    Solution: Make sure the `package-a` directory is included in the `build.lib.entry` option in your `vite.config.js` file.

  2. Error: “Type ‘MyPackageA’ is not assignable to type ‘never’.”

    Solution: Check that the `@vitejs/plugin-dts` plugin is correctly configured and that the generated typings are being included in the build output.

  3. Error: “Cannot find type declarations for module ‘@my-monorepo/package-b’.”

    Solution: Ensure that the `package-b` directory is included in the `include` option of the `plugin-dts` plugin.

By following these steps and troubleshooting common issues, you should be able to generate typings for shared packages in your monorepo using Vite.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of Vite and monorepos, learning how to generate typings for shared packages. By configuring Vite to work with our monorepo structure and using the `@vitejs/plugin-dts` plugin, we can efficiently manage shared packages and their typings. With these tools and techniques, you’ll be well on your way to building and maintaining large-scale applications with ease.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the intricacies of Vite and monorepos. By mastering these concepts, you’ll unlock the full potential of your development workflow and create robust, maintainable, and scalable applications.

Further Reading

If you’re interested in learning more about Vite, monorepos, and TypeScript, here are some recommended resources:

Happy coding, and may the typing be with you!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about Vite generating typings for shared packages in monorepo!

What is the purpose of generating typings for shared packages in a monorepo?

Generating typings for shared packages in a monorepo allows for better code completion, type checking, and documentation. It helps developers understand the API of the shared packages and ensures that the packages are used correctly across the monorepo.

How does Vite generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo?

Vite uses the `build.type` option to generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo. When set to `library`, Vite will generate typings for the shared packages and output them to a designated directory.

What are the benefits of using Vite to generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo?

Using Vite to generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo provides several benefits, including faster development, better code quality, and easier maintenance. It also enables features like code completion, type checking, and documentation generation.

Can I customize the generated typings for shared packages in a monorepo?

Yes, you can customize the generated typings for shared packages in a monorepo by using the `build.type` option and configuring the typing generation process. You can also use plugins and custom scripts to further customize the output.

Is Vite the only tool that can generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo?

No, Vite is not the only tool that can generate typings for shared packages in a monorepo. Other tools like Rollup, Webpack, and TypeScript can also be used to generate typings. However, Vite provides a unique combination of speed, simplicity, and customization options that make it a popular choice for monorepo development.